Discover our groundbreaking AirFit impression device, developed from real-world experience to deliver detailed molds for a perfect fit.

User-oriented design

We focus on ease of use and maximum user satisfaction.

small, easy to carry, location-independent - as no connection for electricity, water or compressor required

Innovative technology 

two optional modes included:

  • hydrostatic (allover load)
  • Pin Liner (elongation)

possible for any type of socket       attachment 

Precise shapes

Our AirFit impression device delivers detailed molds for an excellent fit. 

There is no modification necessary

he found the idea behind


We have been partner of a research project with the orthopedic department of the well known Fraunhofer institute, in which we compared 5 different impression techniques at the same patients: hand, vacuum supported, scanned, ultrasonic and pressure cast (the casting system was 25 years old, for sitting amputees, horizontal to use). The results have been more different than I could imagine, why I understood that every Prosthetist has their own signature in casting and modifying – but there was no standard, except the pressure casts, who are in equal shape! 

So I started to develop my own casting system, that works always in the same process. I included the vertical way, that enables the amputee to stand and load his weight while the casting process. I saw, that the pressure distribution depends on flexibility and length of the inner diaphragm and after several tests I found the right closed end membrane. I used the compressible material air because it displaces just tissue where it gives way at the stump (non-compressible water presses 1:1 everywhere). 

Jochen Weigel (CPO, ISPO cad I)


Every prosthetist has their own signature, which can be recognized by the shape of the socket. It is the result of the constant search for perfection. Why not start with a good base that comes from an impression device? 

Everyone has to find their own way... 

We are happy to help >>> AirFit <<<


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